To see your world in a grain of sand and Heaven in a wild flower.

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand and Eternity in an hour.

Welcome to the music of my musings, to the humble corner of my reminiscences and the account of my wanderings. Partake of my smiles and sighs and share yours in return.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

New Beginnings


What a fine, sweet word. So cleverly dodging the inevitable nastiness of the end it follows.

Remember your first day in Kindergarten. The tears, the piteously tight grip we had on our mother's clothing and the fear. Ooh the fear. This was a  big step when our life finally started. Er.... whatever we thought life was at that age. The same spectrum of feelings and awe fill us whenever we leave the familiar,the established and the known and move in the direction of the unknown.

           Some of us even cling to the dead fossils of our past until our fingers bleed rather than contemplate another reality that involves starting with a clean slate. Most of us revel in the comfort of repetition and routine so much that we loose the power of transformation that is in our every breath. But Nature is never benevolent to the barely living and hardly functioning. She loathes them as much as she loathed the dinosaurs and we know how that ended !

           Love it or hate it, the only way out of a predicament that seems like it has come from hell is a fresh beginning that uproots your being. And plants you into the fertile yet unfamiliar soils of the PRESENT. Here no weeds from your past no matter how beautiful are allowed.

           And the game of Time, that one unchangeable, immortal fact of the Universe goes on.

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